Fashion has been part of our lives for centuries and dressing well makes us happy (scientifically proven!). We can communicate and express ourselves through what we’re wearing, set our own trends, be just who we would like to be. But in the last decades fashion has become something fast changing, inconsistent and omnipresent. You need to buy more and more articles in a very short amount of time to be considered trendy. This trend is called fast fashion.
The problem with this trend is the constraint to become cheaper and cheaper and brands try to make more and more margin with what they’re selling. And there is always someone paying the price – we could imagine it just like an iceberg. What we can see is the tip: the beautiful fashion goods, the marketing, the new trends. What we can’t see are the people producing them, the nature exploited, the landfill full of almost unused clothes.

The compulsive shopping, without knowing limits, puts in danger everything around us, without us noticing. Everyone is talking about it now, but the change towards a more sustainable way of living is far away. We still buy too much and too often and even though many sell goods now as sustainable, they still are polluting. Producing goods has always negative externalities. But we need to look at the overall picture to understand how sustainable a material or product is.
From the raw material to the production all the way to the finished article and its life after sale. The most sustainably produced article is polluting the most if it breaks after a couple of days. The longer something remains in use, the better it is for the environment. And if it doesn’t emit toxics or micro plastics when washed – even better!

Dienstag, 27. April 2021
The most sustainable good you can possess is the one you own for a long time, you wear many times and repair it when it’s broken. This is called slow fashion. It’s the appreciation of something beautiful, made with craftsmanship, long living and out of beautiful materials. One of those materials is leather, as it has all these properties. We don’t say it is not polluting as well, but leather is a waste material of the meat industry, which otherwise would go into landfill.
Thanks to continuous research and development and lots of passion for what we are doing, we constantly improve our production and make beautiful articles you can own for years – and the best part? They get even better with time if treated well. Imagine your favorite pair of leather shoes which magically molds to your feet after some time or the beautiful handbag that gets it’s patina look from the several occasions you were wearing it. The stories they tell you…
This is fashion. This is sustainability